
Phone Swap: A Rom Com delight

Remember that time we were all obsessed with “Phone Swap”? This Kunle Afolayan RomCom from 2012 is still a laugh riot!

The story follows the lives of two complete opposites – a posh Abuja socialite Akin, played by the amazing Wale Ojo and a down-to-earth Lagos hustler Mary, played by the ever-charming Nse ikpe Etim.

Their worlds collide in the most unexpected way when they accidentally swap phones! Imagine the chaos!

“Phone Swap” offered more than just laughs! It cleverly explored social divides and class differences in a way that resonated with audiences.

This movie boasts an all-star Nigerian cast, including veterans like Joke Silva and Chika Okpala, alongside stars like Lydia Forson and Afeez Oyetoro.

“Phone Swap” wasn’t just a box office hit, it was critically acclaimed too! It dominated award season, receiving the most nominations at the 2012 Best of Nollywood Awards.

It snagged 3 wins at the 8th Africa Movie Academy Awards, including the prestigious award for Best Production Design.
Nse Ikpe-Etim also won Best Lead Actress in an English film for her performance.

The film also won the coveted Public Choice Award at the very first NollywoodWeek Paris film festival, showcasing Nigerian cinema to the world.

In memory of Ada Ameh and Pat Nebo, we pay tribute to their unforgettable contributions to film.

Rest in peace, your legacies will endure.

Enjoy a light-hearted moment from “Phone Swap” with this fun clip!

Want to relive this classic or discover it for the first time?

“Phone Swap” is streaming on Netflix! Click HERE to watch and be ready for hilarious misunderstandings, social satire, and a whole lot of heart.


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